How to get the best wedding photographs

#1. Hire a professional photographer.
Of course you knew I'd say that, however it's true.  If you want to have high quality photographs of your wedding, which include portraits and ceremony, do not.. I repeat, do not ask a friend or family member. I will assure you that it will ruin a relationship faster than an Indy car.
 A professional photographer is able to do more than snap a few lucky candid photos. They are able to navigate logistics that a novice or layperson is not yet able to do. They are also able post process your images and provide services such as an online gallery and album design. They are camera artists that have perfected the art of the wedding.

#2. For the best value,  hire local.   
You may discover that hiring a local professional is a better solution than hiring from a large wedding group. Large wedding groups hire photographers that have very little experience or training. Photography groups also provide very low compensation rates for photographers, although the couple often pays over 25% more for their photographer than they would if they booked a local pro. Value is relative.

#3.  Communication is key.   
The relationship that you have with the photographer is important. The couple needs to be comfortable enough to allow the photographer into their world for a very personal day... a long day.... and also following the day...  Better results occur when you have a good rapport with the professional. This rapport begins with the photographer understanding what you want, what you like and how you see the day.  For example: You may have a complete list of all of the portraits and samples of images you'd like to try to duplicate.  Or, you may not know what you want.... Both  scenarios require an interview process to ensure that you're happy with the final product. 

#4. Trust the professionals.  
When the wedding day arrives, it is best to allow all of the professionals to do what they do best. If something is not as perfect as you wanted, let it go. Enjoy your day. In the grand scheme of things, the color of the flowers on the wedding cake are not  important. What is important is what the day is about and why your family is brought together. 

#5. Be true to the moment.
The wedding day will be a brilliant burst of emotions... smiles, laughter, tears of joy... Remain present. 

If you wish to talk about your wedding or receive information about available dates or pricing, 
contact Maria Celeste at 518-742-0546


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